
School hosts local Wigs 4 Kids cut-a-thon

ST. CLAIR SHORES — After months and, in some cases, years of growing it out, a dozen local students took the plunge and gave up their locks for children in need.
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This is the third time that Rodgers Elementary has sponsored a cut-a-thon from Wigs 4 Kids at the school, and 12 students and one teacher had at least 10 inches cut June 3.

Seven-year-old first-grader Reece Heier said she was looking forward to having the haircut “because it’s going to be really hot this summer.”

And 9-year-old fourth-grader Anna Finazzo, one of three sisters to have her hair cut, said it was learning more about recipients that made her eager to help.

“Because of the kids that lost their hair, I’m going to donate my hair to them,” she said while her long locks were still attached to her head.

Ten-year-old fourth-grader Kassidy McEvoy said she had not had a haircut in about six months.

“I’ve had long hair my entire life and I wanted to try something new,” she said. “And besides, it’s for a good cause.”

Possibly the biggest cheers came for 10-year-old fifth-grader Joseph Rathnaw, who had been growing his hair out since seeing another boy donate his hair the last time Wigs 4 Kids was at his school. It took five ponytails and then a lot of work with the clippers to bring back his boyish style.

He said he was excited to be cool again after more than a year of having long hair, but that his friends and family were “surprised and kind of terrified I’m cutting it off.”
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“Joe, he heard me speak when he was in the third grade,” Wigs 4 Kids founder and CEO Maggie Varney told the school. “He’s been growing it out ever since.”


“Wigs for Kids:” Nine-year-old Brown Deer boy cuts off his long locks for a good cause

BROWN DEER — A nine-year-old Brown Deer boy is sporting a new look after he cut off all his hair for a good cause.
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Tre Rathkamp donated his long locks to “Wigs for Kids” — an organization that helps children dealing with hair loss due to diseases like cancer.

Rathkamp says his grandmother was his inspiration. She was diagnosed with cancer in 2013.

Rathkamp’s sister says he has been teased and called names due to his long hair, but she’s proud he stuck with it.

“I was extremely nervous to see what he was going to look like, but we’re all used to his trademark hair kind of. It’s been so long for so long,” Samantha Wergin said.

CLICK HERE if you’d like to make a donation to “Wigs for Kids.”


4-year-old gives her hair to Wigs for Kids

Lucy Lyles spent two of her four years growing out her hair. But she was all smiles as it was being cut off to help other kids be just as happy.

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"She said Grandma, let's grow our hair,” Cathy told KBTX. “I was just in tears and said, 'Ok!'"
Lucy’s hair is going to Corrie Isbell, a friend without hair because of Alopecia Universales disease.
Corrie’s mom Mika told the station the special wig “suction cups to the head, and it's a silicone." That will allow Corrie to “swim in it. She can play in it. She can cheer in it, and she can tumble in it.”
Corrie calls it a “big girl wig.”
The reason Wigs for Kids is so important comes down to money. "It's a prosthetic, and it's not covered by insurance because it's considered cosmetic surgery," Mika explained.
Each wig can cost a family several thousand dollars and only lasts for two years. That means every ponytail collected is worth as much as $200.
Corrie is touched by what’s happening. "It makes me feel loved and that people actually care about when people don't have hair."
Lucy isn’t finished making people smile. Cathy says her granddaughter wants to grow her hair and donate again in 2016.